Sunday 12 February 2012

How to Remove Makeup | Makeup Removal Tips

Makeup Removal Tips are very significant for our skin to maintain it fresh and avoid from the after effects of the makeup used. If makeup is not removed once use then it gets into the pores of the skin and the chemicals in it can harm our skin. Therefore this should always be kept in mind to remove makeup from the skin before going to bed and let the skin breathe freely.

Face makeup used as foundation and lipstick can be simply removed with water based make up cleansers whereas eye makeup such as liners, kohl and mascara require a little extra. Theses products need extra oil in the solution to remove the immovable eye makeup.

Eye make up remover is used to wash the products from our face when we would like to remove them off. If some one of us using any beauty soap, we may come across dryness on face, it also generally needs scrubbing and many washes that can irritate our skin.

Baby shampoo is a fine method to remove mascara that is challenging to some other kinds of remover products. Waterproof mascara are one of the most tricky mascaras to remove. Apply a small quantity of baby shampoo to a cotton ball or on the finger tips will remove it.

As baby shampoos include smaller concentrations and softer detergents than other shampoos that is why these are less irritating to the area around eyes. This shampoo can also be applied to remove makeup on the face but be careful and use a little amount as too much can be drying our skin.

If we do not want to apply any oil on our face for removing makeup, the best method is to dip a cotton ball in milk and just wipe face with it. It is the easiest method of removing makeup.

Mineral oil is considered the most excellent for removing makeup. It is even more economical than baby oil. Since baby oil is also mineral oil with perfume and both produce the same results.

We must always apply a mild makeup remover. Don’t use a make up remover that is harsh or drying to the skin. It is mostly significant if we have oily skin as this can lead to break outs. Pay proper attention to what is mentioned on the label before using any product.

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